Sunday, April 16, 2006

God not letting go

The past few days I have struggled with my faith. Strange this should happen at this particular time of the year! I have been convicted of my sinful pride that puts myself before God and builds me up to try and take God's place. On the way to Church this morning I started off in a bad mood - a little depressed in fact. I was snapping at Jill a little too. And then I thought to myself - All those other people at Church today will be in a mood to rejoice, they will be excited about what this day reminds us of - the resurrection of our Lord and His victory over sin and death, yet here I am down in the pit! What is wrong with me? I tried to reason with myself and that did not work. I asked Jill to pray for me and that helped a little. I stood at the flagpole service with doubts about why I was there. At breakfast I had a good chat with a friend from housegroup and shared some of my recent struggles - now things started to look brighter. In the service as I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit amongst our fellowship, my heart began to be healed and encouraged, and a new hope began to be born - I received reassurance from God that everything would be okay and that I was in his hands. I cannot remember which song it was, but the words in one verse were to the effect of 'God never lets you go' and at that point I remmbered that this journey of Faith is never going to be without doubt and fear. Often my mistake is to think that if I start to slip, He will catch me immediately, yet I realise that sometimes it may take days, weeks or even months to work through certain troubles. My faith however has been renewed and restored today that God will never let me go as long as I continue seeking Him. Today of all days, this was so valuable to me when the message is of new life when we give ourselves to Him.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom 8:38-39)

Happy Resurrection Day!

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