Friday, April 21, 2006


This morning at college, we had a class on communication skills. It was not new stuff to me - I had heard most of it before within the context of business. In fact some of it I had taught to people before. It was different however to learn about it form the perspective of preaching or sharing within a church/ministry environment. Shortly after the whole class hearing these pearls of wisdom, we went to morning worship where they heard about a football outreach that I am involved in. The talk was taken by my friend Stuart, but I had to share part of my testimony. At that moment, I realised how rusty I was with public speaking! It is very true that a skill like this needs to be practiced. I realised that it doesn't matter how much I know technically about anything really - if I am not practicing it, it will not be as well executed.

I spent 2 hours chatting with a good friend after lunch, it was awesome to be able to share thoughts and ideas. He made a great point that college is a great time to be practicing the gifts God has given us, because by the time we get to ministry situations our audiences may not be quite as understanding. He's a pretty discerning guy, you can check his blog out by clicking on the link at the side 'Learning to Walk'.

Have a great weekend, I'm off to Newcastle with the football team for the weekend.

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