Thursday, April 13, 2006

Popularity Contest?

Phew, I'm glad that went OK! This morning I led a service of rememberence of our crucified Lord. I became responsible for this on Tuesday afternoon, then was at work all day yesterday so needed to delegate a lot of organising to others (they did great). Being responsible for the outcome, I was really concerned that we would do something that would offend people, that they would be critical about - then I started worrying that the clips from the Passion were too gruesome and that perhaps we should not have shown them in case people were hurt or offended.
But then I realised - this was an accurate depiction of what really happened to Jesus and therefore when leading people in worship we have a responsibility to lead them in and to the truth. We cannot as Christian leaders sugar coat any part of this message if we are to expect people to worship Him in truth. Jesus Christ voluntarily endured this torturous death because He loved the people of the world so much he was willing to die for our sake. We can only truly love God by fully understanding what He gave up for us.
I realised again that leadership is not a popularity contest - it is about leading people in truth and love, not some watered down version of it.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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