Tuesday, May 16, 2006

If you want something done.............

Give it to a busy person, or so the saying goes. I am finding this to be so very true this week. I find it amazing that when I am not so busy it seems that what I do have to do carries more weight, yet when I have loads to do, the burden seems so much lighter because I am just concentrating on getting it done, rather than inwardly complaining that I have something to do!

This week I have 3 assignments to hand in, an academic board meeting to attend for 3 hours tomorrow afternoon a 2 hour teaching part to prepare for the Equip discipleship training programme on Monday morning. Amongst that we were out for dinner last night, are going to housegroup tomorrow night, I have football training on Thursday evening and then we are off to visit Dad over the weekend......phew!

I love pressure, it brings out the best in me. Must go now, 'cos I need to write a teaching session on Paul as a Missionary in Acts.

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