Friday, May 26, 2006

The Wisdom of Ronan Keating

Well the end of another week is upon us. Jill and I are always excited when we get to Friday evening. Generally the cry when we get home is: "Its the Weekend!" and we get excited about being able to spend time together doing fun stuff.

This week was a bit of a roller coaster for me, here are some of the highlights and lowlights:

Monday morning teaching Mission in the book of Acts to people on the Equip discipleship course at church and being really encouraged when they prayed for me at the end -Highlight

Tuesday morning waking up at 7:25am and remembering I had a student council meeting at 7:30am, after a deodorant shower trying to stay outside a 2 meter radius of people for the rest of the day - Lowlight

Wednesday getting really stressed out about essay due for Friday to the extent that I even missed Jill's home made pizza - Lowlight

Thursday evening I went to Footie training - no injuries and in the squad for Cup final on Saturday morning - Double Highlight

Friday - Finishing my essay and handing it in at 3:59pm (2 minutes later would result in just a pass/fail verdict rather than a letter grade) - Highlight with feelings of great relief.

We're off to have dinner with some friends from church tonight and have a cup final to play in tomorrow - I love finishing the week on a high!

The question is: My cheesy reference to a song by an ex-boyzone member for the title of this entry - highlight or lowlight?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

high light baby!